32 States I Need to Visit

I’ve shared before that my big dreams revolve around travel. I’ve even put together a travel bucket list.

Most of the time, when I think about where I want to go, foreign destinations pop into my head.

Ecuador. Greece. India. Italy. Africa.

You get the idea.

In the last few years, I’ve also gotten a chance to see more of the U.S. and I’ve really enjoyed it. I’m way behind on blogging about these trips, but I promise to get around to it one of these days.

United States travel map

I found this fun map which let’s anyone create a color coded map of the United States. I tweaked the definitions of the colors a bit:

  • White – never been there (includes states where I had a flight layover but didn’t leave the airport)
  • Red – drove through the state but didn’t do any exploring or it was a childhood trip and I don’t really remember much
  • Orange – spent a short amount of time in the state
  • Blue – spent enough time in a single city or town to feel I really got to see it
  • Green – had a substantial visit to at least 2 locations in the state

I was really surprised to find that there are 32 states that I haven’t seen other than from a car window or TV.

I clearly need to do more exploring in the U.S. I don’t like how many states are white or red.

Who wants to go on a trip? I’m ready to pack my bags.

How many states have you never visited?