10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes


10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes - Future Expat

There is a video that has gone viral on Facebook of a dog wearing a spider costume. It got me thinking that maybe I should buy Milo his first Halloween costume this year.

When I started looking at the options of Halloween costumes for dogs, it really is hard to choose. There are so many adorable costume options.

Of course, you need to know what your dog will tolerate with wearing clothes. Some of these costumes are pretty elaborate and involve clothing on the dog’s head and feet. After seeing how Milo walked in boots last winter, I don’t think costumes with feet would work for him.


10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes:

If  are looking for a Halloween costume for your dog, all of these will be a big hit at a party and help you collect lots of candy while you are out trick or treating.

1. Dinosaur Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

Animal Planet’s stegosaurus dog costume

2. Peacock Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween costumes

Animal Planet’s peacock dog costume

3.  Witch Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

PetEdge witch dog costume

4. Hot Dog Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

PetEdge hot dog costume

5. Skunk Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

PetEdge skunk dog costume

6. Pumpkin Dress

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

Zack & Zoey pumpkin dress dog costume

7. Elf Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

Elf costume…perfect for Halloween and Christmas!

8. Pumpkin Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

Pumpkin dog costume

9. Tootsie Roll Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

Tootsie Roll dog costume

10. Ewok Costume

10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

Star Wars Ewok dog costume

This last one I had to include because I hear over and over that people think Milo looks like an ewok.

Milo the ewok - 10 Adorable Dog Halloween Costumes

I’ve never really been a Star Wars fan, but I’m tempted to buy it anyway.

What about you…do you dress up your dog for Halloween?

If you do, I’d love to hear about your favorite costume and how your dog does with things like hats and clothing on his feet.

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