Restaurant gift certificate giveway

If you live in the St. Louis area and love to eat out as much as I do, then this is the giveaway for you!

I am giving away 20 gift certificates worth $10 each. Each winner will get ten FoodieSTL $10 gift certificates that are valid through March 2014. You do have to spend a minimum purchase of $25 at each restaurant in order to get the $10 off.

More about FoodieSTL…

You can earn up to 7 entries by commenting, sharing or connecting with me on social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest) and checking out my other St. Louis website, Arch City Homes.

There will be 2 winners announced on October 21 on this blog. Winners will be contacted by the email they provide for the entry and have 48 hours to respond with a mailing address of where I can send them the gift certificates. If the winners do not respond by the end of the day on October 23, then a new winner will be selected.

How to Enter the Restaurant Gift Certificate Giveaway:

  1. Enter using the form below by signing in using your Facebook account or an email address, and follow the instructions to earn up to 7 entries.
  2. Add a comment below letting me know that you entered and if you prefer Restaurant pack #1 (St. Louis City – County) or Restaurant Pack #2 (St. Charles County).

The 1st winner picked will receive the restaurant pack of their choice. The 2nd winner will receive the alternative group of gift certificates. If the 2nd winner declines the prize since they really don’t want those restaurants, then a new winner will be selected.

Restaurant Pack #1 – St. Louis City & County Restaurants:

Restaurant Pack #2 – St. Charles County+ Restaurants:

By entering the giveaway, you agree to be added to the newsletter for Future Expat and Arch City Homes. If you decide you aren’t interested in the content, you can always unsubscribe via the links in the newsletters.

Enter below now!